/* * @Author: Chenzy * @Date: 2017-12-07 09:23:26 * @Last Modified by: Chenzy * @Last Modified time: 2018-05-24 16:47:12 */ $(function () { // PC banner $("#Banner").owlCarousel({ autoPlay: true, navigation: false, singleItem: true, stopOnHover: true, transitionStyle: 'fadeUp', }); // 手机banner $("#BannerM").owlCarousel({ autoPlay: true, navigation: false, singleItem: true, stopOnHover: true, transitionStyle: 'fadeUp', }); $('#us-link').on('click', function () { $('.left-box').toggleClass('current'); return false; }) $(document).on('click', function () { if ($('.left-box').hasClass('current')) { $('.left-box').removeClass('current'); } }) // 导航宽度 $('.nav').each(function () { var items = $('.nav>li'); var num = items.size() if (num > 5 && num < 10) { $(this).addClass('nav-num-' + num); } }) // 手机导航 $(document).ready(function () { $('#sideMenu').sideToggle({ moving: '#sideMenuContainer', direction: 'right' }); }); (function ($) { $.fn.sideToggle = function (options) { var settings = $.extend({ moving: null, // which object to toggle? direction: null // toggle from this side of the window }, options); return this.click(function () { var thisDir = {}; var moveThis = settings.moving; var dirPos = parseInt($(moveThis).css(settings.direction), 10); var menuWidth = $(moveThis).outerWidth(); if (isNaN(dirPos)) { console.log("Please define the object's position in the css."); } if (dirPos === 0) { thisDir[settings.direction] = -menuWidth; $(moveThis).animate(thisDir); } else { thisDir[settings.direction] = 0; $(moveThis).animate(thisDir); } }); } }(jQuery)); // 首页主营产品 $(document).ready(function () { $("#owl-demo").owlCarousel({ items: 5, autoPlay: true, lazyLoad: true, }); }); $(document).ready(function () { $("#owl-demo1").owlCarousel({ items: 5, autoPlay: true, lazyLoad: true, }); }); $(document).ready(function () { $("#owl-demo2").owlCarousel({ items: 5, autoPlay: true, lazyLoad: true, }); }); //选项卡 $('.m-i-img .container').each(function () { var oItem = $(this).find('.pro-nlist li'); var oList = $(this).find('.wrap .pro-chlist'); oItem.eq(0).addClass('click'); oList.eq(0).show(); oItem.bind('touchstart click', function () { $(this).addClass('click').siblings().removeClass('click'); oList.hide(); oList.eq($(this).index()).show(); }) }) // 企业图集放大 $('#zoomBtn').click(function () { var oUrl = $(this).data('img'); $('.m-modal').addClass('m-modal-on'); $('#mcPic').attr('src', oUrl); }); $('#closeBtn, #maskBg').click(function () { $('.m-modal').removeClass('m-modal-on'); }); // 客服组件 $('.m-consultant').each(function () { var self = $(this); var btnOpen = self.find('#kfUnfold'); var btnClose = self.find('#kfShrink'); var oGroup = self.find('.group'); var oWrap = self.find('.wrap'); var oWidth = oWrap.outerWidth(); btnOpen.click(function () { oGroup.hide(); self.animate({ 'right': 0 }, 0) }); btnClose.click(function () { oGroup.fadeIn(); self.animate({ 'right': -oWidth + 'px' }, 0) }); }); $.backTop($('#backTop')); }); // 图片懒加载 $(function() { $("img.lazy").lazyload({ effect : "fadeIn" }); }); function baidumap(){ // 百度地图API功能 var map = new BMap.Map('allmap'); var poi = new BMap.Point(122.054246,37.428462); map.centerAndZoom(poi, 16); map.enableScrollWheelZoom(); var content = '
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